Dunn County Family Treatment Court (FTC)

The mission of the Dunn County Family Treatment Court is to improve child welfare system outcomes for families impacted by parental substance use through evidence-based wrap-around programming, collaborative case management, and intensive judicial monitoring.

The vision of the Dunn County Family Treatment Court is to create healthier families and safer communities through long-term recovery.

Family Treatment Court (FTC) is a voluntary program designed to reunify families affected by parental substance use. The FTC program is designed to serve families who are involved in the child welfare system and alcohol and/or substance use is the primary safety concern. The purpose of the FTC is to address the parent’s substance use and promote sustained recovery, teach parents life-long skills to better care for themselves and their children, reduce the risk of future maltreatment of the children, and to ultimately reunify the children with their parents.

The Family Treatment Court team has the ability to identify and link parents charged with abuse or neglect to resources necessary for their recovery. The parents participating in FTC attend substance-abuse treatment, receive mental health services, are subject to frequent drug and alcohol testing, meet regularly with the FTC team, attend court every other week, and are involved in other services as necessary. FTC monitors compliance, responds to progress and/or problems through graduated sanctions/rewards, establishes cooperation and communication among agencies involved in the reunification process, assures all information is up-to-date and comprehensive, and ultimately seeks to speed the entire court process, enabling the children to return home to recovered parents or achieve other permanent placements.

Email: mlberg@co.dunn.wi.us