Birth to 3

Mission, Vision, Values

Mission - Support & empower families in the developmental journey of their children.

Vision - Offer guidance and resources to coach families in nurturing their child's developmental milestones building a foundation for growth, discovery and joy.

Values - Active participation of families and collaboration within our community to develop a strong network of support that enhances the well-being of young families.

What is the Birth to 3 Program?

Birth to 3 is an early intervention program for infants and toddlers who have delayed development or special needs.  Every county in Wisconsin has a Birth to 3 Program.  County Birth to 3 staff work in partnership with parents to identify goals and outcomes for their child and family which will support the child's ability to grow, learn, and communicate. They also provide opportunities for children to participate in peer group activities and connect families to other resources.

Who We Help

The Birth to 3 Program is for children ages birth to 36 months.  A child is found eligible for the program if they show a significant delay in one or more areas of development or if they have certain diagnosed conditions.  A team of child development specialists evaluates a child's ability to:

  • learn (cognitive development)
  • move, see and hear (physical/motor development)
  • communicate and understand other's communication (speech and language development)
  • respond to and relate with others (social and emotional development)
  • eat, dress and care for daily living needs (adaptive development)

How does it work?

Anyone can refer a child to the Birth to 3 program: parents, relatives, friends, educators, doctors.  A Birth to 3 Teacher will then contact the child’s parent to begin evaluating the child's strengths and abilities and determine if the child is eligible for services.  A parent’s observations and knowledge are key in identifying their child's strengths and needs. Our Birth to 3 Team includes Early Childhood Teachers, an Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist and a Speech and Language Therapist.  Other professionals provide consultation if needed.  Team members visit the child to work on reaching goals set by parents and the Birth to 3 Team.